Transformed Life – Sermon Series (part 1 & 2)

“The Results of a Transformed Life. Part 1” Sermon preached on Sunday April 16th, 2023, by Pastor Claudet Saintil. Morning service. Language: Haitian Creole.
Sermon starts at 1:07:40 for your convenience. Scroll down for part 2 of this short series.
Main text: Ephesians 4:25-32.
Short Description:
Does your life show evidence of a life that reflects Christ?
We are challenged to live a transformed life. From our text, Ephesians 4:25-32, the apostle Paul gives us five examples of the evidence of a transformed life.
- It is a life that goes from lying to speaking the truth (v. 25).
- It goes from unrighteous anger to righteous anger (v. 26-27).
- From stealing to sharing (v. 28).
- From bad words (corrupting talk) to edifying words (v. 29).
- From natural vices to supernatural vices (v. 30-32).
Watch the full sermon for more on how to truly reflect Christ in your daily life.
“The Results of a Transformed Life. Part 2” Sermon preached on Sunday May 7th, 2023, by Pastor Claudet Saintil. Morning service. Language: Haitian Creole.
Sermon starts at 1:33:01 for your convenience.
Main text: Ephesians 4:25-32.