Thank you for desiring to give to our ministry. We appreciate all your support and prayers as we move forward with God. Our goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as far as we can reach, but with a special focus on our immediate community around us. Scroll to see the different ways you can contribute to New Jerusalem Haitian Baptist Church, Tampa, FL.
God loves a cheerful giver! (2 Corinthians 9:7)
We want you to give whatever our Lord Jesus Christ has placed on your heart to give. You may use the below link to give your tithes, offerings, or donations.
You may also give directly through Zelle:
(813) 787-4838
Registered as New Jerusalem Haitian Baptist Church
You are welcome to donate household items, hygiene products, dry food, toys, baby products, and other non-monetary items; gently used or new depending on the item.
We accept these on certain dates throughout the year. Please regularly check our website or follow us on our social media page to know when we are open for donations.
To donate: stop by the church during office hours. Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. SUBJECT TO CHANGES. PLEASE CALL AHEAD.
1912 E 139th Ave, Tampa, FL 33613
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